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Shenzhen ports speed up customs clearance with advanced technologies

来源:市口岸办 发布日期:2021-04-19 15:53

  A maximum 252 million passengers and 15 million vehicles pass annually through Shenzhen entry and exit ports in southern China's Guangdong Province.

  Shenzhen is an important gateway to guarantee material supplies to Hong Kong during the epidemic. About 10,000 vehicles travel between Shenzhen and Hong Kong through Shenzhen ports every day to transport goods .

  Over the past 120 years, Shenzhen has evolved from having old-fashioned customs checkpoints to a modern, comprehensive and international port system.

  Shenzhen's port system is now equipped with many advanced technologies, and it only takes 10-15 seconds to pass through.

  Click the video to see Shenzhen's advanced port system.(来源:人民日报)

  By Zhu Xiaoxi, Zhu Yingqi | People's Daily app


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